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List Of Christian Baby Boy Names Start With Letter I


1IaanGod is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostlesChristian
2IainGod is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostlesChristian
3IannGod is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostlesChristian
4Ichabodinglorious without gloryChristian
5IdenPasture in the woodChristian
6IgnatiusA fiery man ; one who is ardentChristian
7IhuGod rescuesChristian
8IkeFrom the name isaacChristian
9IkeeFull of laughterChristian
10ImanolGod is with usChristian
11ImmanolGod is with usChristian
12ImmanuelGod is with usChristian
14Innocentharmless, innocentChristian
15IrajLord hanumanChristian
17Irvinfresh waterChristian
18Irvinefresh, greenChristian
19Irvingfresh, greenChristian
20IrwinA form of irvingChristian
21IsaacHe will laughChristian
22IsaakHe will laughChristian
23IsaiahGod is salvationChristian
24IsaiasGod is salvationChristian
25IsaieYahweh is salvationChristian
26IshamHome of the iron oneChristian
27IshmaelGod will hear israel - wrestle with godChristian
28IsiahGod is salvationChristian
29IsidorGift of isisChristian
30IsidoreA gift of isisChristian
31IsidroGift of isisChristian
32IsraelGod prevailsChristian
33IsrraelContender with godChristian
36IssaiahGod is my salvationChristian
37IssaiasGod is salvationChristian
38Itamarland of palmsChristian
39Ithaineigh boringChristian
40IthielGod is with meChristian
42IvaanGod is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostlesChristian
43IvanGod is graciousChristian
44IvannGod is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostlesChristian
45IvesYoung archerChristian
46IvritThe hebrew languageChristian
47IzzaiahGod is my salvationChristian
48IzzyHe will laughChristian