With the growing intensity and pressure of work, it has become hard to maintain a healthy metabolism for people worldwide. Amid these problems, the trend of maintaining a perfect metabolic rate of the body has become obsolete.
Now the need for it has become extremely necessary. A balanced metabolism not only improves the function of the body but also keeps you energetic and gives you strength. So, this content will help you with the best ten ways to boost your metabolism rate.
What is Metabolism?
Whether it is a machine or living things, energy is the must component, and the human body is not an exception to this. Metabolism is the process by which the human body converts the eaten foods into energy and supplies to the millions of body cells through blood. It is a chain of chemical reactions.
Metabolism is measured by the metabolism rate, which is commonly known as the BMR. There are generally three types of metabolism, and they are seen in different individuals. They are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. These metabolism decides the body a person will have, or it may be said that metabolism differs person wise.
People try to improve their metabolism rate for a healthy life. Now lets see the ways through which we can achieve that goal.
The Top 10 Ways to Boost Metabolism
Although there are several ways by which one can boost up their metabolism level, the most natural being the following ones can significantly improve the metabolic rate. It is also important to know that recent terminology is adding the term metabolism with weight loss. It means the metabolic rate is the number of calories you burn.
1. Eating High Protein Foods
Human body costs a lot of calories to digest food, and protein creates a high amount of thermal effect during digestion. As a result, the metabolism rate increases by fifteen to thirty percent, which is very less compared to carbs or fats’ thermal effect. Protein based foods like soya chunks, seeds, nuts, milk, eggs, chicken, meat, and corn can be taken. So increase your daily protein intake. Protein has other impacts too. It increases the body's muscle power and helps to build up a perfect body.
2. Drinking Adequate Amount of Cold Water
Water is a zero calorie supplement to the body. We did not get any direct energy from it. But water helps to create energy. Especially when someone drinks cold water. After taking cold water, the body tries to match up the temperature and uses calories for it.
3. Intense Exercise
Exercise not only activates all the joints of the body but also improves the metabolic rate a lot by burning a huge amount of calories. In case of intense exercise, the body uses a lot of energy and as a source of it, fat gets targeted. What is more than that? So the final outcome is that with intense workout, the metabolic rate increases and body fat gets burned.
4. Get Good Sleep
Studies show that lack of proper and good quality sleeps lead to obesity, type 2 diabetics along with other diseases. It may be due to a low metabolic rate, or lack of sleep may also reduce the metabolism level. Thus the digestive system of the body gets worse over time. So try to get a good amount of sleep for a better metabolism.
5. Eating Spicy Foods
As per study data, eating spicy food for a long time relatively reduces weight and improves the metabolism of the body. Peppers contain capsaicin that are accountable for metabolism boost. Many people cannot tolerate spices but taking them even a small amount regularly can upstage the metabolic rate relatively.
6. Drinking Coffee
As metabolism is counted with calorie burning, coffee or green tea can be the best option for you. Both of them contain caffeine which reduces cravings and burns fat easily.
7. Supplements
This content also approves that metabolism boosting supplements can promote a more efficient fat-burning effect to our body especially to those people who cannot do exercise or maintain everything mentioned above, may opt for supplements. There are several popular supplements available on the market. All you need is just review the components, government-approved tags, and of course, the customer reviews.
8. Eating Fiber-Rich Foods
Fiber is a low calorie diet and is indigestible. Fiber improves the metabolism of the body and reduces the weight of the body by feeding itself to the microbiomes in the guts. It also improves cardiovascular health and controls blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber.
9. Standing Up
People who work in an office use a desk most of the time. While sitting all the time is bad for your health. According to doctors, standing for a long time uses 5 times more calories than sitting. So reduce the habit of standing slowly.
10. Avoiding Oily Foods
Oily foods contain a lot of bad fats and LDL cholesterol. They not only make you feel lethargic but also reduce the metabolism rate. Oily foods also increase the chance of several heart diseases and liver problems.
Final Words
As Healthcanal writes, it is important to go through a proper diet plan. This helps to improve the overall function of the body. A healthy metabolism keeps the body in a smooth workflow. It keeps you energetic, and stress-free. But before you proceed, take a consultation from your doctor. He or she may help you with a more proper and accurate plan.