December is the most awaited month of the year around the globe. It shares many traditional and occasional holidays, along with pleasant weather. While December is often affiliated with the celebration of Christmas, it includes other major cultural and religious holidays around the globe as well. These include the celebration of Buddha’s enlightenment, the celebration of an apparition of the Virgin Mary, and the honoring of African-American heritage.
This article will uncover the most celebrated dates of December as holidays worldwide. Behold to see the details;
1. St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 5 or 6)
St. Nicholas Day is also known as the Feast of Saint Nicholas, this day is observed by Christians to celebrate the birth of Saint Nicholas, the inspiration of Santa Claus, due to his love for gift-giving and his generous spirit.
2. Immaculate Conception Day (Dec. 8)
Catholics observe the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to revere the Virgin Mary, who is believed to have been born without original sin. This event is typically marked by attending church services and feasting.
3. Bodhi Day (Dec. 8)
This day is also known as Rohatsu, this Buddhist observance commemorates the day when the Buddha, Siddartha Gautama—is said to have achieved insight. Many Buddhists label the event as engaging in meditation.
4. Feast Day of Our Lady Guadalupe (Dec. 12)
Mexicans and Mexican-Americans frequently observe the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico who symbolizes patriotism and dedication. Each December, millions of pilgrims flock to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe to participate in the festival, which marks one of several apparitions of the Virgin Mary that some Catholic followers say was witnessed by an Indigenous Mexican man in 1531.
5. Hanukkah (Dec. 18-26)
The day 18 of December is observed as an eight-day Jewish Festival of Hanukkah. A crucial part of the Jewish Festival of Lights is the nightly lighting of a nine-branched menorah. This practice represents the miracle of one day’s worth of oil lasting for eight days during the battle in 165 B.C.
6. Yule (Dec. 21-Jan.1)
This ritual is very important for people around the World. Wiccans and Neo-Pagans observe the winter solstice, noted as the darkest day of the year on December 21, through the festival of Yule. This solstice signifies the shortest day and longest night of the year, Yule celebrates the re-emergence of the sun and the days beginning to grow longer again.
7. Christmas (Dec. 25)
The most awaited day of December is Christmas, people around the World celebrate this day enthusiastically. Christmas is primarily a Christian commemoration of the birth of Jesus. But the festival has also been embraced as a secular family holiday by people of all faiths. The holiday is marked by the exchange of gifts and the joy of the arrival of Santa.
8. Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan. 1)
Kwanzaa is an African American and Pan-African annual holiday that celebrates history, family, values, culture, and values. This event is a week-long celebration, it’s a cultural celebration rather than a religious one. Kwanzaa means "first fruits" in Swahili, a language spoken in Africa, and signifies the joy and togetherness many Africans experience during the harvest season.
9. Zarathosht Diso (Dec. 26)
Zoroastrianism is among the oldest monotheistic faiths in the world, established by the Prophet Zoroaster over 3,000 years ago. Zoroastrians honor the death of their prophet on this day, usually by visiting a fire temple to offer prayers.
10. New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31)
New Year’s Day is eagerly awaited around the globe, revelers party, set off fireworks, set resolutions, and count down to midnight to usher in fresh starts. In many post-Soviet countries, the celebration aspects customs akin to Christmas, such as the arrival of gifts from “Grandfather Frost.”
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What global holiday is in December?
December includes many cultural and religious events and festivals such as celebrating Buddha's enlightenment; commemorating an apparition of the Virgin Mary; honoring African-American heritage, and Christmas.
2. What are the four major holidays in December?
- Hanukkah. ...
- Kwanzaa. ...
- Boxing Day.
- Christmas
3. What international day is 5 December?
International Volunteer Day, often referred to as IVD, is celebrated on 5 December every year. It was initiated as an international observance established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985.