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The Ultimate Fruit Champion: Exploring the World’s Number One Fruit

number one fruit in the world

Fruits are energy-rich products of nature, and many individuals across the globe rely on them to maintain their health and well-being. They provide essential vitamins and energy and keep them healthy amid strenuous activity. Statistically, numerous nations compete to cultivate fruits. In addition to healthy and nutritious functions, fruits also serve as economic commodities for every country, making them profitable.

Tons of fruits are exported between countries with the value of millions of dollars. Fruit is widely enjoyed across the globe, for many good reasons; delicious, ready to eat, and abundant in nutrients like fibers and vitamins.  Its health advantages can be experienced in various forms, like smoothies, sorbets, and even ice cream, they can be used in cooking and baking, or to embellish dishes. Perhaps the only drawback of fruit is that it serves as a quick source of energy but is low in protein, making it a good snack to hold one over until the next meal. Behold to know the most harvested fruits in the World, measured in million metric tons.

Top 10 Most Famous in the World

Quick Overview


Production in Tons


186.82 million Tons


135,112,326 million Tons


99,957,595 million Tons


95,835,964 million Tons


76,410,307 million Tons


74,942,572 million Tons


59,151,522 million Tons


29,361,138 million Tons


26,534,197 million Tons


26,324,873 million Tons

1. Tomatoes

Wild tomatoes originated in the Andes, spanning the western regions of Bolivia, Peru, Chile, and Ecuador, and were cultivated for the first time around 700 AD by the Aztecs and Incas. European explorers later introduced tomatoes to Europe upon returning from South America, and have been beloved around the world ever since. China is the biggest producer of Tomatoes with nearly 57 million tons annually. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients and used in almost all meals.

Used for the most popular dishes in the world such as sausage and pizza topping, burgers and fries, as well as in undisputed in omelets.

2. Bananas

Bananas are an ideal on-the-go snack, complete with their natural protective peel and with no washing required. Aiding in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates supplying 20% of the recommended daily intake of B6 vitamin. Also, it has C (10%) for immune support, fiber (2.6 grams) for healthy digestion, and magnesium (9%) to support brain function.

It is believed that bananas originated from the South Pacific or Southeast Asia 10,000 years ago.

3. Water Melon

China is leading in the production of watermelons growing nearly 73 million tons yearly. They are widely used in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for their natural sweetness and water content.

According to researchers, Watermelon originated around present-day Egypt and is considered and served as a summer drink.

4. Apples

One of the most popular fruits across the World with millions of tons of production yearly, it originated from the Central Asia, region, named Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and China.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of apples is their satisfying crunch, as well as the choice of sweetness from their many different varieties. China leads global apple production, yielding nearly 45 million tons annually, while Japan’s Fuji apple variety is favored by many for its large fruit size and satisfyingly sweet crunch.

5. Oranges

A fruit of winter is probably the favorite treat for many individuals who care for their skins because this fruit is rich in Vitamin C, plus its taste is always unbeatable. It is originated and cultivated in China around 2500 BCE and introduced to the Americas in 1493, on Columbus' second trip. 

The only downside is potentially messy peeling.

6. Mangoes

A rich source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamin B6 and fiber, mangoes are majorly produced by India at over 20 million metric tons each year. Mangoes have a lot of positive effects on brain health and sex drive, and well as famous for their anti-aging properties are just a few of the reasons mangoes are considered super fruits. 

7. Grapes

Historically, Grapes came from America, but they are cultivated across the Middle East. China is currently the top producer of grapes and exports 12,600,000 tons annually. They are best for the treatment of cancer, eye problems, heart disease, and other health problems

8. Pears

Pears, though often overlooked in the West, enjoy equal popularity to apples in Eastern Europe, Pears, though often overlooked in the West, are a sweet and cheap treat at street markets and on a supermarket's shelves. Commonly, grown in gardens and even along streets, it is often picked by the locals on the way to work.

Renowned for being used in compotes as a dessert made from boiled fresh and dried fruits—or as comfitures to accompany main dishes.

9. Pineapple

Pineapples originated in South America and were discovered by Europeans in 1943 on Caribbean Island. The most common cultivars are Smooth Cayenne, Ripley, and others.

Pineapples are frequently used ingredients in meat, vegetables, fish, and rice dishes.

10. Peaches

Peaches originated in China and then spread westward through Asia and other parts of Europe. They are important sources of Dietary Fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the top 1 fruit in the World?

The most popular fruit in the world is considered bananas.

2. What is the number 2 fruit in the World?

After bananas, the second most famous fruits are apples and grapes because of many underlying reasons such as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients

3. What is the no 1 expensive fruit?

The most expensive fruit the Yubari King Melon. Ruby Roman Grapes, and Densuke Watermelon originated and were cultivated in Japan.