When you see people smiling obviously they are happy. If you see people crying they are sad.
Many types of emotions normally appear in different situations in humans. There are a lot of Psychologist and researchers who explains these emotions. Many ways out there to deal with these human emotions. There are Positive Words that define Positive Emotions and Negative Words That define Negative Emotions.
After long research, we reached a conclusion about these emotions. Here we explain 7 researched emotions and we also added a list of all possible emotions at the end of this article.
What is an emotion?
There are many Definitions of emotions, we decided to add the 5 best definitions to make you understand emotions.
Definition: Emotions are brain states that contained two degrees, pleasure or displeasure. It relates to your neurophysiological changes, Changes in thoughts, feelings, and behavioral responses. It directly relates to mental conditions.
Definition: Emotions are strong feelings that vary on the situation. It depends on the situation if you are sad, happy, relaxed, or calm. Your behavior will swing by the situation.
Definition: Emotions are the complex experience of consciousness, which reflects the personal significance of a thing. For example, if you are at a party your emotions will be joyful and, if you are in trouble it would be sad/scary.
Definition: An emotion is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, anger, or hatred. All these emotions can be occurred in the situation that you are happy, joyful, scared, or in a trouble. There is no scientific definition of emotions.
Definition: Emotions are happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger. You can expand the list of basic emotions that includes such as pride, shame, embarrassment, Cheering, and excitement.
What are the Types of an Emotion?

According to research, there are 7 main types of emotions. An American psychologist Paul Ekman revealed after a long research about these types of emotions. He wrote “There are seven emotions that are expressed on the face in the same way in every, different culture” by PAUL EKMAN article on Gale Academy. The emotional types are:
- Sadness
- Anger
- Surprise
- Fear
- Enjoyment
- Disgust
- Contempt
According to a survey, the highest percentage is still led by Enjoyment Emotion.

Let’s get started with all these emotional explanations. So, you can know how each emotion work.
1. What are Sadness Emotions?

Sadness is a state of an emotion characterized by feelings of unhappiness and low mood that directly relate to family & friends. It is about everything from mild disappointment to extreme despair, physical pain, or suffering. It is considered one of the basic human emotions. It appears when you are upset, in pain, or disappointed.
Sadness emotion is when you are:
- Crying
- Someone left you
- Calm
- Mood swing
- Torpor
- Misery
- Sorrow
This emotion causes many health problems for the person who is facing this mental state.
2. What are Anger Emotions?

Anger Emotions are strong feelings of annoyance, displeasure, hostility, anxiety, bitterness, and antagonism. It plays the main role directly with a heart that must increase your blood pressure as well.
Anger emotion can be determined with:
- Voice Tone
- Quick Response
- Face Expressions
- Aggressive Behaviors
- Fighting
3. What are Surprise Emotions?

This emotion has three states positive, negative, or neutral. This type of emotion is when you get a surprise from anyone that you are not expecting. It also happens when you are scared, happy, or disturb.
For example, You get proposed to by someone from whom you are not expecting. Or when you are crossing a dog which is sitting calmly but suddenly he ran behind you. :P
This surprise emotion was determined when:
- Shock
- Thunderbolt
- Revelation
- Stun
- Amaze
4. What are Fear Emotions?

Fear emotion is one of the most powerful emotions about your survival. It happened when you face serious danger, anxious concern, or solicitude. It also involves a universal biochemical with high individual emotion.
For Example, You are at home alone and someone knocks on your door at 2:00 AM. When everybody is sleeping in the street. You have to deal with this alone.
Expressions of this type of emotion can include:
- Facial Expression
- Body shivering
- Sweating
- Physiological reaction
5. What are Enjoyment Emotions?

Enjoyment emotion is a pleasant emotional state, it is characterized by the feeling of joy, gratification, pleasure, satisfaction, and, cheerfulness. Everybody around the world wants to stay with this emotion. It is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.
To determine enjoyment emotion:
- When you or someone is smiling
- Body relaxation
- The tone of voice is pleasant
- Cheering
- Get some good news
6. What are Disgust Emotions?

Disgust emotion is another state of emotion that happened when you dislike anything. It happened with poor hygiene, blood, pimple appearing on the body, infections, etc.
It appears when:
- Staying away from the object
- Garbage
- Dirt in a hospital or anywhere else
- Shits
- Farts in public
- Pees
7. What are Contempt Emotions?

Contempt emotion also relates to the sadness emotions. It happens when someone refuses to implement the idea you researched for. It is a state of disappointment, worry, and disrespect.
You can also say the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.
It determines when:
- Disrespect
- Disdain
- Hatred
- Denigration
Frequently asked questions
Q: How to control your emotions?
1. Look at the impact of emotions
2. Aim your regulations
3. Identify your feelings
4. Make a mood journal
5. Take a chill pill
6. Take meditation
Q 2: What Part of the brain control emotions?
Ans: The limbic system
Q 3: How many emotions are there?
Ans: There are 7 types of emotions out there.
Q 4: How emotions are made?
Ans: Bodily sensations based on past or present experience.
Q 5: How to turn off your emotions?
Ans: By taking a cool breath and by meditation.
Q 6: How to process emotions?
- Note how you're feeling.
- Make a list of your gratitude.
- Punch a pillow or use relaxing balls.
- Scream.
- Let yourself cry.
- By broke papers
- Vent.
Q 7: Why Can't I control my emotions?
Ans: Due to not getting relaxed.
Other Types of Emotions
Normally the 7 types that are explained before are the main types of emotions but there are several other types that also have worth for humans.
Here is the list of all the alphabetic emotions you can also know.
- Acceptance
- Admiration
- Adoration
- Affection
- Afraid
- Aggravation
- Aggressive
- Agitation
- Agony
- Alarm
- Alarmed
- Alienation
- Amazement
- Ambivalence
- Amusement
- Anger
- Anguish
- Annoyance
- Annoyed
- Anticipating
- Anxious
- Apathy
- Apprehension
- Arousal
- Arrogant
- Assertive
- Astonished
- Attentiveness
- Attraction
- Aversion
- Awe
- Baffled
- Bewildered
- Bitter
- Bitter Sweetness
- Bliss
- Bored
- Brazen
- Brooding
- Calm
- Carefree
- Careless
- Caring
- Charity
- Cheated
- Cheeky
- Cheerfulness
- Claustrophobic
- Coercive
- Comfortable
- Compassion
- Confident
- Confused
- Confusion
- Contempt
- Content
- Contentment
- Contrary
- Courage
- Cowardly
- Cruelty
- Curiosity
- Cynicism
- Dazed
- Dejection
- Delight
- Delighted
- Demoralized
- Depressed
- Depression
- Desire
- Despair
- Desperate
- Determined
- Disappointed
- Disappointment
- Disapproving
- Disbelief
- Discombobulated
- Discomfort
- Discontentment
- Disgruntled
- Disgust
- Disheartened
- Dislike
- Dismay
- Disoriented
- Dispirited
- Displeasure
- Distraction
- Distress
- Disturbed
- Dominant
- Doubt
- Doubtful
- Dread
- Driven
- Dumbstruck
- Eagerness
- Ecstasy
- Elation
- Embarrassment
- Empathy
- Enchanted
- Enjoyment
- Enlightened
- Ennui
- Enthrallment
- Enthusiasm
- Envy
- Epiphany
- Euphoria
- Exasperated
- Exasperation
- Excitement
- Exhilaration
- Expectancy
- Fascination
- Fear
- Ferocity
- Flakey
- Focused
- Fondness
- Friendliness
- Fright
- Frustrated
- Frustration
- Fury
- Gaiety
- Gladness
- Glee
- Gloom
- Gloomy
- Glumness
- Gratitude
- Greed
- Grief
- Grieved
- Grouchiness
- Grumpiness
- Guilt
- Happiness
- Hate
- Hatred
- Heartbroken
- Helpless
- Homesickness
- Hope
- Hopeless
- Hopelessness
- Horrified
- Horror
- Hospitable
- Hostility
- Humiliation
- Humility
- Hurt
- Hysteria
- Idleness
- Impatient
- Indifference
- Indignant
- Infatuation
- Infuriated
- Insecurity
- Insightful
- Insult
- Insulted
- Interest
- Intrigued
- Irritated
- Irritation
- Isolated
- Isolation
- Jealousy
- Jolliness
- Joviality
- Joy
- Jubilation
- Kind
- Lazy
- Liking
- Loathing
- Loneliness
- Lonely
- Longing
- Loopy
- Lost
- Love
- Lust
- Mad
- Melancholy
- Miserable
- Miserliness
- Misery
- Mixed Up
- Modesty
- Moody
- Mortification
- Mortified
- Mystified
- Nasty
- Nauseated
- Negative
- Neglect
- Nervous
- Nervousness
- Nervousnessanxiety
- Nostalgic
- Numb
- Obstinate
- Offended
- Optimism
- Optimistic
- Outrage
- Overwhelmed
- Panic
- Panicked
- Paranoid
- Passion
- Patience
- Peace
- Peeved
- Pensiveness
- Perplexed
- Persevering
- Pessimism
- Pity
- Pleased
- Pleasure
- Politeness
- Positive
- Possessive
- Powerless
- Pride
- Puzzled
- Rage
- Rage
- Rapture
- Rash
- Rattled
- Regret
- Rejected
- Rejection
- Relaxed
- Relief
- Relieved
- Reluctant
- Remorse
- Resentment
- Resignation
- Resigned
- Restlessness
- Revulsion
- Ruthless
- Sadness
- Satisfaction
- Scared
- Schadenfreude
- Scorn
- Self-Caring
- Self-Compassionate
- Self-Confident
- Self-Conscious
- Self-Critical
- Self-Loathing
- Self-Motivated
- Self-Pity
- Self-Respecting
- Self-Understanding
- Sentimentality
- Serenity
- Shame
- Shameless
- Shock
- Shocked
- Smug
- Sorrow
- Spite
- Stressed
- Strong
- Stubborn
- Stuck
- Submissive
- Suffering
- Sullenness
- Surprise
- Suspense
- Suspicious
- Sympathy
- Tenderness
- Tenseness
- Tension
- Terrified
- Terror
- Thankfulness
- Thrill
- Thrilled
- Tired
- Tolerance
- Torment
- Triumphant
- Troubled
- Trust
- Uncertainty
- Uncomfortable
- Undermined
- Uneasiness
- Unhappiness
- Unhappy
- Unnerved
- Unsettled
- Unsure
- Upset
- Vengeful
- Vengefulness
- Vicious
- Vulnerable
- Weak
- Withdrawal
- Woe
- Worried
- Worry
- Worthy
- Wrath
- Zeal
- Zest